America Rosie O`donnell Voice Over

. . Say BP, guess what...... O`Donnell also defended the United Nations as a "world voice" and took a shot at Iraq war ally Britain for being "on our side and in our pocket...By now, you may know that Rosie O`Donnell just alienated all of the the little people in America.. . O`DONNELL: Seize their assets today, take over the country, I don`t care." They were spectacularly wrong.. He put his hands over Ripa`s mouth and she reacted by saying she did not know where his hands had been. america rosie o`donnell voice over VOICE: Yeah.VOICE: Yeah..... . EAST,I LIVED AND WORKED ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST AND IF O`DONNEL WOULD GO THERE AND START SPEWING HER LESBIAN PROPAGANDA HAMAS WOULD KILL HER,JEWS AND AMERICANS WOULDN`T." ... Speak out! Make your voice heard by tagging your posts #maddow &..Almost immediately, Republican lawmakers, officials, and candidates pounced, taking the reports seriously, and throwing over-the-top tantrums about President Obama`s "anti-religion pursuits.... CBO: ObamaCare Would Cost Over $2 Trillion . It`s moments like this that continue to impress upon me the stupidity of television . . EAST,I LIVED AND WORKED ALL OVER THE MIDDLE EAST AND IF O`DONNEL WOULD GO THERE AND START SPEWING HER LESBIAN PROPAGANDA HAMAS WOULD KILL HER,JEWS AND AMERICANS WOULDN`T." ... Speak out! Make your voice heard by tagging your posts #maddow &..Almost immediately, Republican lawmakers, officials, and candidates pounced, taking the reports seriously, and throwing over-the-top tantrums about President Obama`s "anti-religion pursuits.... CBO: ObamaCare Would Cost Over $2 Trillion . It`s moments like this that continue to impress upon me the stupidity of television. .. . Say BP, guess what. . Speak out! Make your voice heard by tagging your posts #maddow &..Almost immediately, Republican lawmakers, officials, and candidates pounced, taking the reports seriously, and throwing over-the-top tantrums about President Obama`s "anti-religion pursuits.... CBO: ObamaCare Would Cost Over $2 Trillion . It`s moments like this that continue to impress upon me the stupidity of television. .. . Say BP, guess what...... O`Donnell also defended the United Nations as a "world voice" and took a shot at Iraq war ally Britain for being "on our side and in our pocket .. CBO: ObamaCare Would Cost Over $2 Trillion . It`s moments like this that continue to impress upon me the stupidity of television. .. . Say BP, guess what...... O`Donnell also defended the United Nations as a "world voice" and took a shot at Iraq war ally Britain for being "on our side and in our pocket...By now, you may know that Rosie O`Donnell just alienated all of the the little people in America.. . . Say BP, guess what...... O`Donnell also defended the United Nations as a "world voice" and took a shot at Iraq war ally Britain for being "on our side and in our pocket...By now, you may know that Rosie O`Donnell just alienated all of the the little people in America.. . O`DONNELL: Seize their assets today, take over the country, I don`t care." They were spectacularly wrong.. He put his hands over Ripa`s mouth and she reacted by saying she did not know where his hands had been. winkflash coupons
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